Import questions and answers from the question pool.

You can import quiz questions from the question pools on the Learnyst platform in a few easy steps.

  • To import quiz questions from the question pool, go to Contents > Courses > Selected course > Select the quiz > Press the "Continue" button.

    pub quiz
  • After arriving here, select the More option.

    expo ques
  • Select the Import option from the dropdown. 

    imp qp
  • Click the Import from Pool option now.

    imp qp (1)
  • On this page, select the Section where you want to place your questions and click the next button. 

    imp qp (2)
  • When you get to this screen, select the Question Pool from which you wish to export quiz questions. After that, press the Next button.

    imp qp (3)
  • Select the questions you want to import from the question pool.  Then, click the "Add Question" button.

    imp qp (4)
  • You will get a confirmation pop-up on your screen. Just click the Add Selected Questions button.

    imp qp (5)
  • Now, all of the chosen questions are imported into your quiz section when you confirm it. 

    imp qp (6)

Questions imported from the Question Pool cannot be edited from the question builder. You can make the changes from the Question Pool only.