Adding an Installment Plan for your Product

Setting Up Installment Plans to Offer Recurring Payment Option and make products affordable for learners

With installment plans, users make a series of smaller payments at regular intervals until the total cost of the product or service is covered. This can make expensive items more affordable by breaking down the cost into manageable installments.

In order to add an Installment Plan, users need to be subscribed to either a premium or a beyond premium plan.

To set up an Installment Plan:

  • Navigate to Pricing and Validity within the Course Settings.

  • Click on Add Pricing Plan and opt for the Installment Purchase Plan

  • Specify the price, the number of installments, and the recurring duration, indicating the interval (in days) at which subsequent installments should be charged.

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Ensure that the Course Expiry days exceed the maximum duration for installment payments.

  • Add the location in which you wish to sell your product.
  • Finally, click on the Add Pricing Plan button to save the pricing plan as an unpublished draft.
  • Within Drafts, select the newly created Installment Pricing Plan and set the status to Published by clicking on Publish Status > Published.


The Installment Plan cannot be set as a default pricing plan. 

  • From the Admin Dashboard, navigate to View as learner to preview how your course appears.



Once a user completes payment for one of the installments, they are officially enrolled in the Installment plan. It is important to note that once enrolled, users cannot change their plan.