Integrate your Zoom account with the school overview.

To secure your live class, you can integrate your zoom account with your school on the learnyst platform.

  • To integrate your Zoom account, log in as an admin.
  • Next, choose the Add-Ons option from the menu bar on the left.

  • Now select Zoom

    zoom (1)
  • Now, click the Subscribe button.

    zoom (2)
  • You will now be on this page. Select the settings

    zoom (3)
  • Here you can see the three options. Set the required credentials to Integrate the Zoom account.

    zoom (4)
  1. Server-to-server OAuth
  2. SDK credentials
  3. Webhook Configuration
  • Once you set up the necessary credentials and scopes, you can conduct your live class with Zoom, including auto-download of zoom recordings and synchronisation of closing sessions.