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Learnyst Complete Demo

You have signed up on our platform. But, have no clue on how it works?

Please watch this step by step demo video. Yeah, it might be tad long considering all the features that you get on Learnyst, but it is comprehensive and should solve 99% of your doubts.

You can pause this video as and when you need to and do the steps with us to know how you can be the best online tutor in no time.

Please click on below video if you prefer to watch in English

Following are the time stamps for specific module explained in Learnyst demo video.
0:00 - Customer web & mobile apps
4:55 - Admin Dashboard
6:38 - Customise Your Website with Learnyst website builder
10:30 - Create and Publish Your Course
12:08 - Course Pricing & Course Settings
26:00 - Create Mock Test by Uploading Questions Through Word Document
32:55 - Create Bundle
33:30 - Create Test Series
34:25 - Learner, Course, Test Reports
36:20 - Course Marketing Features
38:10 - Admin Settings
38:30 - Integrate Payment Gateway
39:40 - Viewing Course As Learner
40:30 - Learner Interface - Course & Mock Test Interface
46:35 - Mobile app Interface
49:30 - Amazon CDN advantage

Key features offered by Learnyst

  1. All your courses are highly secured with DRM encryption and screen record restriction.

  2. Fully branded website and mobile learning apps in your brand name. Both Android & iOS apps are launched in your own developer account.

  3. Complete data security. You own your course data & student data.

  4. Get 100% course payment credited to your bank account directly.

  5. Market your courses through targeted push, email & SMS messages.

  6. Get in-depth analytics and reports on your learners performance.

All your courses are highly secured with DRM encryption and screen record restriction.

Fully branded website and mobile learning apps in your brand name. Both Android & iOS apps are launched in your own developer account.

Complete data security. You own your course data & student data.

Get 100% course payment credited to your bank account directly.

Market your courses through targeted push, email & SMS messages.

Get in-depth analytics and reports on your learners performance.

Its time to get started and grow your academy online. 

If you have not yet signed up on Learnyst yet. Sign-up now for a 14 day free trial at https://www.learnyst.com. No credit card required.

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