Link your Telegram account to the school.

On the Learnyst platform, you can easily link your Telegram account to your school.

  • Watch the entire video here, or you can go through each step explained below.

  • To link your Telegram account to your school, first log in as an admin.
  • Now, select the contents option from the left-side menu bar. Then select the Telegram option. 

    tele ini (1)
  • You will arrive at the Telegram page. Now, click the Link Account button. 

    tele ini
  • When you click it, you will see the QR code and URL to activate the Learnyst bot.
  • To access the Learnyst bot, scan the QR code or use this URL.

    tele ini (2)
  • This link takes you to this page on Telegram. Then click the Start button.

    tele ini (5)
  • Your Telegram account is now associated with your school.

    tele ini (4)
  • When you link your Telegram account, your Telegram page will look like the image below. 

    tele ini (3)
  • By following these steps, you can easily link your Telegram account to your school.