Migrate from Pro-ssl.learnyst.com to new CDN architecture.

CDNs benefit significantly from SSL/TLS by ensuring that the data they deliver is securely encrypted, enhancing both performance and security for websites.

Watch the entire video here, or you can go through each step explained below:

There are two steps to migrate to CDN.

Step 1: Mapping your custom domain
  • To map your school to your own domain, first, navigate to Websites & Apps > Website.

    cus dom  (23)
  • Now, you will land on this page. Here, you have to enter your own domain. 

    cus dom  (21)
  • Then click the Map Domain button. 

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  • A confirmation pop-up will display on your screen; simply click the Confirm button.

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  • This process takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes to finish. 
  • Now, you have mapped your custom domain successfully.

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Step 2: Customise DNS

  • Then, go to your Domain provider account. Then, click your profile and select My Product option.

    cus dom  (13)
  • This is where you can view your custom domain. Select it.

    cus dom  (14)
  • On the left side menu, select the DNS option.

    cus dom  (10)
  • Now, scroll down and find your Old pro-ssl.learnyst.com CName. Then click the edit icon.

  • Now navigate to the website builder page for your school.  Copy the DNS mapping CName. 

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  • And paste it into the value field. Then, click the Save button. 

    CDn (1)
  • By following these steps, you can easily migrate to new CDN architecture.