Overview of the embeddables.

Showcase your products and courses on your website by adding embed code. This way you can showcase your courses wherever you want.

  • To create embeddables for your website, first log in as an admin.
  • Then choose Websites & Apps from the left-hand menu.

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  • Choose the Embeddables option.

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  • Now, click the Create button.

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  • Here, enter the Embeddables' title and a short description.

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  • Select the embeddable type, and then click the Save button.
  • Now I've chosen the product choice. It's a sales card. 

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  • Once you click the create button, you will be redirected to wedget builder
  • Now, click the text and edit it to what you want. 

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  • Then,click on sales card widget.
  • On the right side, click on the "connect to lms" for Sales card widget

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  • Now choose the product you want to create a sales card.

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  • Also, you can edit the Buy Button text.
  • Once you've provided the necessary information, click the Save button. 

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  • You can now view the designed sales card.
  • After you've finished designing, you can publish your embeddable. To publish your embeddables, select the Settings icon.

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  • You will now be on this page. Click the Publish Status option, then select Live, and click the Publish button.

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  • Your embeddable has been published. Now you can place your embeddable on any website.
  • To use this embeddable, select the Embed code button and copy the code.

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  • For example, I plan to add this code to our learnyst's website builder.
  • Navigate to your website builder to add this embeddable. Click the "+" icon. 

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  • Now select the HTML / JS option. 

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  • Now, click the Edit Code button.

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  • Now, delete the default code and replace it with our copied code. 

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  • Then click the OK button. 

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  • You have now added the embeddable's code. Now, click the Save and Preview icons. 
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  • Now you can see the designed embeddable on your website page. 

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  • By following these steps, you can create and use embeddables on different kinds of platforms.