Overview of the free resource.

On the Learnyst platform, you can easily create free resources to engage your learners. Your learners can freely enrol in your free resources, which help attract more learners to your school.

  • To create a new free resource, please log in as an admin.
  • You'll arrive at the admin dashboard. Then, from the menu bar on the left, pick Contents > Free Resource.

  • It will navigate you to this page. Now, click the Create button to begin a new free resource.

  • Now enter the title of the free resource and click the Create button.

  • Now you will land on this page. Now click the Add Section button.

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  • Enter the title of the section and click the Save button.

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  • Now, select the desired section and click the Add Lesson button.

  • Once you click it, numerous lesson types become visible. Now, select "Any lesson type" and click the Save button.

  • Now I've chosen the video lesson type. 
  • You'll arrive on this new page. You can upload a video file from your computer or a Cloud storage provider, such as Dropbox or Drive.
  • Furthermore, you can embed YouTube or Vimeo videos in your free resource.

  • Once you've attached the files, simply click the Preview option to check your lessons.

  • By following these steps, you can create a free resource and add various types of lessons and quizzes.