Evaluate the offline quiz mock test.

Once your student has submitted their offline mock test essay solutions, you can review and mark them.

  • To evaluate offline mock test essay answers, login as an admin and select Manage from the left-side menu.

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  • Then, select the Answer Reviews option.

  • You will now be on the Offline Answer Reviews tab page.
  • You can see the list of products to be evaluated here. Select a suitable product. 

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  • Now, click on the suitable quiz.

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  • Here is a list of learners who have submitted their responses. Now choose a learner to evaluate their response.

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  • Now click the Evaluate Answersheet button. 

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  • You can now see your learner's answer and the uploaded file. To evaluate the answer, select the Evaluate option. 

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  • You can provide remarks for your student's answers and attach any files by clicking the Upload Attachment option.

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  • In this field, enter the essay's mark.

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  • Once you've evaluated your learners' answers, click the Save and Close button to save the changes you made.

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  • Then, click the Submit Review button and the Publish button to publish your evaluation. 

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  • Your learner is able to see their essay mark on their result page. Additionally, your learners will receive email updates on their test reviews.