Add Private Pricing Plans

Add Private Pricing Plans: Offering Exclusive Discounts to Selected Learners via a Checkout Link

If you want to offer special pricing plans that are not visible to all learners, you can create private pricing plans. 

Adding a Private Plan:

  • Navigate to the settings for the product where you want to add a private pricing plan.
  • Under the Pricing & Permissions section and click on Pricing Plans.

  • Click on Add Pricing Plan to create a new pricing plan. This could be a discounted plan intended for a private group of learners.

  • Choose the Private Plan option under the course access when adding the plan details.


Free plans cannot be set as private plans; they must have a price associated with them.

  • Publish the plan once you have filled in all the required fields.

  • After publishing, you can share the plan's fast checkout link privately with learners.

  • Alternatively, we can copy the Fast Checkout Link from present on the Pricing Plan. 

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A private plan cannot be the default plan. The default plan is the one that users see first and is at the top of the list of plans.

For Learners: 

  • Learners cannot view private plans for a product. 

  • When the checkout link for a private plan is shared with a learner, they will be redirected to the payments page for the private plan.
