Publish, Schedule, and Unpublish your Section quiz.

You can publish, Schedule and unpublish your quiz from the Learnyst platform in a few easy steps.

  • I hope you've built a section quiz for your course. If you want to learn how to create a quiz lesson, click here.

  • When you've finished making the course quizzes, go to Contents > Courses > Desired course > Choose the desired quiz > Press the Continue button.

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  • you will enter this page, now click on the Settings button. 

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  • You will now arrive at this page. Choose the "Publish Quiz" option by scrolling down.

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  • After you arrive at this page. You can view all of the options. By default, your course is not published now. 
  1. Live: When you select the "Live" option, your students can access and complete the test, after you publish it. 
  2. Coming soon: If you select this one, it will status as a quiz coming soon to your learners.
  3. Scheduled: After choosing this option, you can set a start and finish date for your quiz. Also, You can set the quiz's results date.

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  • Click the "Publish" button after selecting the appropriate option. 

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  • You are unable to add to or modify the quiz's question once it has been published.
  • If you wish to add new questions to your quiz lesson, unpublish the quiz and then add and edit them.
  • To unpublish the quiz lesson, choose the Unpublished option and press the Unpublish button.

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  • Your screen will display the confirmation pop-up once you click the Unpublish button. Enter the name of your quiz here, then hit "Unpublish" button

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  • You have now successfully unpublished your quiz.