Quiz settings overview of the test series.

The Learnyst platform allows you to configure the quiz settings for your quiz's questions, answers, and features. 

  • To configure the quiz settings for the test series, navigate to Contents > Test Series > Select a Test Series.

    pub tes Ser
  • Select the lesson you want.

    dele test (2)
  • Click on the Continue button.

    grou qp (9)
  • Then, click the Settings button.

    grou qp (10)
  • The list of quiz settings options appears here.

    grou qp (11)
  1. Branding: Add details about your quiz and manage brand settings.
  2. Answer Configurations: Manage answer preview settings for your quiz.
  3. Quiz Configurations: Manage the question settings for your quiz.
  4. Maximum Attempt Count: Set how many times a learner can attempt the test.
  5. Leaderboard: The leaderboard allows learners to view the names and current scores of the leading competitors for the current quiz.
  6. Duration Type: Select the duration type for your quiz.
  7. Randomisation & Rules: Randomise quiz questions or set up section rules for your quiz.
  8. Percentile Ranking: Set percentile ranking scores for learners.
  9. Grading: Provide custom feedback to your students depending on their scores.
  10. Publish Quiz: Publish your quiz to make it accessible to the learners.