Recommended Procedures to Follow While Resolving Learner Problem

When your learner faces any issue with your eLearning School, we recommend you to do the following steps before escalating the issue further,

  1. Ask your learner about the details of the issue they are facing, ask for screenshot or other images that may help you understand the issue better.

  2. Once you get the details of the issue and understand the issue properly check for the Issue brief in Common Issues in Web App or Common Issues in Mobile App

  3. Guide them through the most common steps of solving the issue (As detailed below)

  4. While solving the issues use the recommended tools for troubleshooting (Click here to know about the tools)

  5. If the common steps fail try the advanced steps as listed in the guide.

  6. If you are unable to solve the problem even after trying all the steps, escalate the issue or raise a ticket with the necessary details.

The most common step that solves more than 85% of the issues, is as detailed below. 

When your learner faces some issue ask them to follow the below steps as the very first measurement to solve the issue.

On Web app, ask Learners to open and check App in Chrome Incognito mode. If problem gets resolved then ask Learners to clear Normal Chrome browser cache and check. To clear the caches and cookies,

Chrome > History > Clear History > Select “Clear Browsing Data” > Select Cache images and files > Click clear browsing data.

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