Add Learner details to Google Sheets upon course purchase.

To automatically add details of a Learner in a spreadsheet when they make a payment for a course, we can integrate the process using Pabbly.

Follow the below steps to successfully add learner details in Google Sheets:

  1. Configure the Trigger Event
  2. Add webhook URL to Learnyst
  3. Configure the Action Event
  4. Connect Google Spreadsheet 
  5. Enroll into a course and verify spreadsheet

Configure the Trigger Event:

  • Sign up for an account on Pabbly. Click on Connect.

  • Next, Click on Create Workflow.

  • Choose Learnyst as the trigger application for the workflow.

  • Select the trigger event as Purchase.
  • Copy the webhook URL that you get after adding the trigger event.


Add the Webhook URL to Learnyst:

  • Go to your Learnyst account, navigate to Marketing > Integrations > Webhooks, and select Purchase, since the event is Purchase.

  • Click on Add URL to add a new Webhook URL.

  • Paste the webhook URL in the designated field and click Test and Save.

  • Capture the webhook response by purchasing a course from the learner interface and you can view user details like name, email, and phone number.

Configure the Action Event:

  • Add Google Sheets as the action application.

  • Choose the action event as Add New Row.

Connect Google Spreadsheet:

  • Next, we need to create a google spreadsheet into which the data will be stored.
  • Within the spreadsheet, add column names. For example, username, email, and product details as shown above.

  • Back on Pabbly, click Connect.

  • Click Add New Connection. 
  • Click on Sign in with Google to authorize access for google sheets.
  • Next, select the Google Spreadsheet that you created with the column names.

  • Map the values corresponding to your column names.


  • Send a test request to ensure that data is successfully transferred to Google Sheets.

Enroll into a course and verify the spreadsheet:

  • Now, when you purchase any course the details that we mapped will be added into the Google Spreadsheet.


By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate Learnyst transaction details with Google Sheets using Pabbly Connect software.