Set the coming soon status for your section quiz.

On the Learnyst platform, you can set the coming soon status for your section quiz. If you do so, your learners will see your quiz as a coming soon.

  • Once you've finished creating the quizzes, you can set the status as coming soon.
  • To set the coming soon status for the quiz, go to Contents > Courses > Desired course > Choose the desired quiz/assignment> Press the Continue button.

    pub quiz
  • you will enter this page, now click on the Settings button.

    pub quiz (1)
  • You will now arrive at this page. Simply choose the "Publish Quiz" option by scrolling down.
     pub quiz (2)
  • After you arrive at this page, select the Coming Soon option. Then, click the Publish button.

    coming quiz
  • Now your learner will view your quiz as seen in the image below.

    coming quiz (1)