Answer configuration overview of the quiz

This feature allows your students to view the quiz's correct answer.  Additionally, you may prevent malpractice by shuffling the question options.

  • To set up the answer view and quiz shuffling feature, go to the contents > Courses > Selected course > Select the quiz > Click the Continue button.

    pub quiz
  • Click the "Settings" once you've entered this page.

    pub quiz (1)
  • Choose the Answer Configurations option located below the features.

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  • Once you reach this page, you can activate the answer view and answer shuffle features.

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    1. Enable View Answer: This function allows your students to see the right answer of the quiz after they've submitted it.

    2. Enable Answer Shuffle: If this option is enabled, each participant will view the answer options for a particular question in a different order. 

  • Once you've completed the changes, click the "Save" button. 

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  • You can update your quiz's answer configuration by following these steps.