Overview of Content Dripping for Your Course

content dripping is the strategy of releasing information gradually and in advance to avoid overwhelming users with too much information at once. In addition, this method maintains the learners' interest and curiosity about the lessons to come.

  • To enable content dripping for your course, go to Contents > Courses > Desired Course.

  • Then click on the Settings button.

  • After landing on the settings page, simply navigate to the features section and choose the Content Dripping option.

    RD drip
  • Now, click the Content Dripping button to enable it

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  • After turning on the content dripping feature, choose one of these options to release content according to the content start date.

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  1. Learner Enrollment Date: Under this method, lessons are released according to the date of the learner's enrollment. Thus, each learner has a unique date of access to the lessons. For instance, your learner joins on March 15th. The lessons will be made available, with a start date of March 15. 
  2. Fixed start date: With this method, the start date of your course will be set by yourself. For example, if you set the start date to March 20, then the course will only begin on that date, whenever your learners enrol in the course.
  • After you select the suitable method, you can select the date of the course release by clicking here.

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  • To confirm your changes, click the Save button now.

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  • Now, select the Configure Content Dripping option to set up lesson dripping days for your course.

  • Here, select the section and type in the lesson release days. The days are based on the start date.

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  • After you've entered the lesson release date, remember to click the Save button. 

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  • Now, your content will be released gradually based on what you prefer.