Set up multiple answers and partial marking options for your MCQ.

You can provide more than one answer to your multiple questions. You can also divide the marks for the correct answers in the MCQ. 

  • Once you've created an MCQ, you can add several answers to it.
  • To set up multiple answers, select the Settings icon.

    mul ans
  • Now, click here to enable the Multiple Answer option. 

    mul ans (1)
  • You can now select multiple answers for the MCQ.

    mul ans (2)
  • If you want to divide the mark, select the Partial Marking option. For example, if your one-mark MCQ has two right answers but students choose only one, they will receive 0.5 points. 

    mul ans (3)
  • Once you've enabled the necessary features, click the Save button. 

    mul ans (4)
  • You can provide multiple answers for your MCQ by following these steps.