Set up the grades for your students based on their quiz scores.

On the Learnyst platform, you can Assign grades to your students according to their performance.

  • To provide the grade to your learners, go to Contents > Courses > Selected course > Select the quiz > Press the "Continue" button.

    pub quiz
  • After you arrive here, select Settings.

    pub quiz (1)
  • Next, click the Grading option that appears below the Advanced features.

  • You will see this window after clicking it. Click the Add Grading button. 

    grade (1)
  • Here, you can include grading criteria such as marks, grades, and remarks

    grade (2)
  • Once you add important notes, press the "ADD" button. 

    grade (3)
  • After entering all the grades, this is how your window appears. 

    grade (5)
  • This grade automatically reflects on your students' performance.