Set up the learner configuration in the school settings.

Ensuring accurate billing and shipping addresses and GSTIN details is crucial for verifying payment methods, generating receipts and invoices, accurate deliveries, enhancing customer satisfaction, and claiming GST input tax credits.

  • to set up the learner's addresses and invoices, go to school settings and select Learner Configurations.

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  • It will send you to this page, where three options are available.
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  1. Request complete billing address:
    1. If you select the option, Learners will be requested to provide their complete billing address during the payment checkout process. 
    2. This option ensures the payment method belongs to the purchaser, reduces fraud risk, calculates applicable taxes correctly, and provides accurate information for generating receipts and invoices.
  2. Request shipping address:
    1. If you activate this option, learners will be requested to provide their complete shipping address during the payment checkout process.
    2. This option ensures accurate delivery of physical materials, reducing errors and enhancing customer satisfaction with timely shipments.
  3. Request GSTIN:
    1. If this option is enabled, learners will be allowed to provide their GST details on the account page.
    2. This option ensures GST details are accurately included on invoices for eligible businesses, facilitating compliance with tax regulations and maintaining transparent financial transactions for audit purposes.

  • Click the "Save" button after making decisions. 

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