Set up the percentile ranking features for your quiz.

The Learnyst platform allows you to indicate a student’s performance compared to other students with the percentile feature.

Percentile rank in a quiz tells you how well your learners are compared to everyone else who took the quiz. For example, if they are at the 90th percentile, you’re doing better than 90 out of 100 learners. 

  • To set up the percentile feature, go to Contents > Courses > Selected course > Select the quiz > Press the "Continue" button.

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  • After you arrive here, select Settings.

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  • Next, click the Percentile Ranking option that appears below the Advanced features.

  • Here, to enable the percentile rating, select the check box. Then click the Save button.

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  • Once you save, select the "Add Percentile" option.
  • You can add percentile rankings based on the quiz and by section.

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  • Here Download the sample file, and edit it in the format provided.
  • To upload the edited file, click the Import button.

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  • After you've uploaded the file, click the Save button. Similarly, add a percentile for each quiz section.

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  • Once your learners complete the quiz, they can see their percentile rank on the result page
  • For example, If they are at the 60th percentile, they do better than 60 out of 100 learners. 

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