Set up the question configurations.

In just a few minutes, you can customise important settings like the mark and difficulty level of your questions.

  • Once you've created the quiz question, you can customise important settings for it. 
  • To set the question's mark and other settings, click the Settings icon.

    set ques (4)
  • Now you can see the many types of features for your questions.
  1. Mark: Please enter the question's mark here.
  2. Negative Mark: Enter a negative mark for your question. If your learner enters the wrong answer, this mark will be deducted from their total score. 

    set ques
  3. Difficulty Level: Choose the difficulty level of the question. 
  4. Guideline: Enter the guidelines time.

    set ques (1)
  5. Tag: Select a tag. This tag will help your students discover the question quickly.

    set ques (2)
  • Once you've configured the necessary features, click the Save button.

    set ques (3)
  • By following these steps, you can configure your questions.