Set up the time duration for your quizzes.

On the Learnyst platform, you can set a time duration for the quiz.

If you wish to set the quiz's duration, ensure it is in the Unpublish status. 

  • To set up the time duration for your Quiz navigate to Contents > Courses > Desired course > Choose the quiz > Press the Continue button.

    pub quiz
  • After you arrive at this page, press the Settings button.

    pub quiz (1)
  • Now you can find the Duration Type option under the advanced features. Now select it.

    ent dur
  • You can choose from any option on this page.

    1. No duration: If you select this option, your quiz has no time limit.

    2. Overall quiz Duration: You can specify the time limit for the entire quiz here.

    3. Section Duration: If you choose to use this feature, you will need to set a time restriction for each section of your quiz.

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    4. Section Order Selection: If you allow this option, a prompt asking your students to select any order will appear before they can begin the quiz. There, the sections are rearranged.

    5. Quiz pause: This feature lets your student pause and continue the time.

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  • Click the Save button after making the needful change.

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