Video Troubleshooting Guide for the learners

If learners encounter issues with video playback for the content in your school, Learnyst provides a helpful troubleshoot page for learners to diagnose and resolve the problem

You can view the troubleshoot page by following these steps:

  • From the admin dashboard, navigate to Manage > Learner Support.

  • Click on the Video Troubleshoot Guide option.

  • This will open the troubleshoot diagnosis page on the learner's side

  • Wait for the diagnosis to complete.
  • If any errors are detected, they will be displayed to the learner. Common errors may include:
    1. Internet Speed: If the internet speed is below 5 Mbps, it might be too slow for seamless video streaming, leading to buffering issues.

    2. Browser Compatibility: Some browsers may not be able to render DRM-encrypted video content. In such cases, it is recommended to switch to Edge for Windows operating systems or Safari for macOS.

  • Test the videos by playing approximately for 60 seconds.

  • If the issue persists even after attempting all the troubleshooting methods, click on the Raise Ticket button to escalate the matter to the Learnyst support team.


Follow these steps to access the video troubleshoot guide, diagnose issues, and provide solutions or escalate to support by clicking on Raise Ticket if needed.