View the all Broadcast message detail

The Learnyst platform allows you to view the status messages you've delivered to your learners. and also you can remove them from your list.

  • To see the status of the broadcast messages, please register as an admin.
  • When you join, you will be taken to the admin dashboard. Select Reports from the left side menu bar.

  • Now, pick the Broadcast Message option. 

    B.mess (8)
  • You'll land on this page. Here you may see a list of messages you've sent to your learners, as well as its status. 

    B.mess (2)
  • You can also filter the list using these options. 

    B.mess (3)
  • Once you've filtered the results, you can click on any message to see its content. 

    B.mess (5)
  • Here you can view your message. To delete the message details, click the More button and select Delete Broadcast Message.

    B.mess (6)
  • Now, enter the title of the broadcast message and press the Delete button. 

    B.mess (7)
  • You can view and delete the information for your broadcast message by following these instructions.