Webhooks for Payment Gateway

In this Article:

  1. What are Webhooks?
  2. How do Webhooks work?
  3. Benefits of using Webhooks
What are Webhooks?
  • They're like instant notifications that tell you about important events in your payment gateway account without you having to check manually.
  • They keep you informed in real-time, making it easier to manage payments and handle any issues promptly.

How Do They Work?

  • You set up specific events you want to be notified about, like when someone pays for a course.
  • When that event happens, your payment gateway automatically sends you a message or alert.
Benefits of Using Webhooks:
  • Saves time: You don't have to keep checking your account for updates. Webhooks do it for you automatically.
  • Faster response: You get instant alerts, so you can quickly address any issues or follow up on payments.
  • Better management: With timely notifications, you can stay organized and on top of your payment activities without missing anything important.