What is content dripping?

Content Dripping keeps learners curious, engaged and motivated, resulting in improved course completion rates.

  • Content dripping in online teaching refers to gradually releasing course materials over a specified period. Instead of allowing learners to access all course content immediately after enrollment, content dripping involves making lessons or modules available to them only after a set number of days. 
  • Here are some benefits of using content drip in online courses:

  1. Boosting Engagement Levels: By releasing new content periodically, learners remain motivated to return to the course and access fresh material. This engagement helps maintain interest over time.

  2. Creating a Better Learning Experience: Content Dripping ensures that learners follow a structured path of lessons, guiding them through their learning process at an ideal pace.

  3. Breaking Down Complex Topics: For lengthy or intricate topics, content dripping helps learners digest lessons without feeling overwhelmed by information.

  4. Increasing Completion Rate and Learners Retention: Regularly providing access to new content encourages learners to keep returning to the course and consume each lesson or module.

  5. Structuring Content for learners: Content dripping ensures that learners engage with all course material rather than skipping ahead. This approach helps guide them through the learning process and ensures they assimilate valuable teachings.