App Builder - The Essentials You Need to Build Your Apps

Using the App builder, you can build your own branded Android or iOS mobile apps from your academies dashboard, without a developers help.

There are however a few essentials you need to build your own apps. Here are the elements.

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Mandatory (yes/no)


Where it is required

Google WebClient id


Not mandatory. 

Step 1, App Details. (Needed if you want students to login using Google sign in)

Facebook App id


Not mandatory. 

Step 1, App Details. (Needed if you want students to login using Facebook log in)

Service account credentials



Step 2, App credentials

Launcher icon


Your apps logo in .png format in 512x512 pixels

Step 3, App Graphics.
(this icon displays when the app launches)

Notification icon


Your apps logo in .png format in 96x96 pixels

Step 3, App Graphics.
(this icon displays when student recieves your apps notifications)

Splash Screen


Your apps logo in .png format in 720x1280 pixels

Step 3, App Graphics.

Login Screen


Your apps logo in .png format in 720x1280 pixels

Step 3, App Graphics.

Audio Thumbnail


Your apps logo in .png format in 666x374 pixels

Step 3, App Graphics.
This thumbnail shows up when students play your audio file.

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