Obtain the batch reports

On the learnyst platform, you can access reports on the batch learners' activities and learning journey.

  • To access the batch reports, go to Reports > Batches.

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  • Here is a list of the batches you've published. Now, select the desired batch to get the report.

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  • This page displays the list of learners in the batch, as well as their activity, live class attendance, test, and content completion rate. Furthermore, you can view the reports of average learners. Live Class Attendance 
  • If you wish to know the specific learners' performance, click the learners. 

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  • On this page, you can view the attendance during live classes.
  • To obtain the exam and course completion rate, select the appropriate tab. 

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  • Furthermore, you can utilize the filters and search options to acquire the report faster. 

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