Update Privacy policy (App Removed || Rejected )

If you've received an email from Google stating that your app has been removed due to policy issues listed below, your app won't be available to users until you submit an update that complies. Follow this article to restore your app on the Play Store

Follow the steps below to relaunch your app or prevent its removal from the Google Play Store by the Google team.



Step 1 : Generate new Privacy policy.

i. Go to : https://app.freeprivacypolicy.com/wizard/privacy-policy

ii. Select both the website and apps, then click continue.

Screenshot 2024-05-11 at 12.39.48 PM

iii. Please enter your website and App details on this page as depicted in the image below.

Then, proceed to click on the "Next" button.


iv.On the next page, select the same options that we have chosen.




v. Please provide a date for learners to contact you on this page. Enter your own date as we have entered ours and click next.




vi. On this page, simply choose the 2nd option "No, I do not wish to have a Professional Privacy Policy", and then proceed to the next step.

Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 11.18.35 AM

 vii. Please enter your email address and click on Generate.


Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 12.38.05 PM

viii. Click on the Copy button to copy the link and open it in a new tab.


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ix.  After opening the URL in a new page, copy the entire text on that page.


Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 12.42.06 PM

Step 2 : Update the privacy policy on the webpage.


i. Visit the learnyst admin dashboard and go to Website & Apps.


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ii. Select website.


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iii. Scroll down and select the privacy policy.


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iv. Here you need to remove the existing and copy the newly generated privacy policy for the URL we copied previously, and paste it here.

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v. After adding the newly generated privacy policy, we need to make some changes.

a. Remove the text shown in the image below.

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b. Add the text "Profile photo" under "First name and last name" as shown in the below image.

Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 1.02.00 PM


c. Scroll to the last line, remove the text as shown in the image below, and save the changes.

Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 1.05.44 PM

d. Now scroll up and copy the URL as shown in the image below.

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Step 3 : Now that you have updated the new privacy policy on the web page, follow the steps below to update the previously copied URL in the Google Play Console or Google Developer Account.

i. Go to your Google Play Console Account: https://play.google.com/console/u/0/developers/9078312165503448827/app-list

ii. Login using your id and password.

iii. Select your Account and then click on go to console.

iv. Now choose your app as we have chosen our app "Learnyst Labs" .

Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 1.19.49 PM

v. After selecting your app, you will be redirected to the Play Console dashboard.


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vi. Move your mouse cursor to the left side and scroll to the bottom of the page. There, you need to select "App Content" and then click on "Actioned".


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vii. Go to Privacy Policy and select "Manage"

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viii. Insert the URL copied in Step 2 (d) here and save the changes.


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ix. Select "Not now" here.

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Step 4: Now that you have updated your privacy policy, you need to release your app by following the article below.

App Update Article Link : https://support.learnyst.com/how-to-release-the-app-in-google-play-console