Create Online Test For Comprehension Exams Easily - Using Group Questions.

Create online tests for comprehension exams easily with the new group questions.

Group questions will help you if you are preparing your students for an English language test like IELTS or for a Data Interpretation exam for CAT.

For e.g: Students can read English passages and answer multiple questions related to that passage.

Like any other online quizzes, you can also schedule the quiz with a proper start date, end date & time.

In this tutorial, let us see how to create an online test using group questions.

Let's get started.

How To Access A Group Question

First, go to your products>mock-tests>and click on the create button

Next, create a mock-test. Give a proper title, price and click the Create button.

Next, select any template and click on the Create button

You will find the group question within the Question builder module.

How To Create A Group Question

The Group Question block will allow you to create a group question and the Groups block will allow you to view all the created group questions.

To create a group question, click on the Group Question block. Give a name to the group. For e.g: English comprehension passage 1 for IELTS

You can even select the difficulty level as Easy, Medium, or Intense

Next, within the Instruction, you can add the main question. For e.g: you can add an English passage or a question with a graph.

You can then select a section where you want it to appear and add the questions.

This takes us to the Add questions groups. Here is where you can add questions.

If you have created a new mock-test, you have to first create the questions. To do that, let us go back to the question builder.

Note: Since you are in the Question Builder group, you won’t be able to import any existing questions from the Question Pool.

Please go to the groups within the Question pool to import.

Create Online Test - Add Questions For Grouping

Let us start by creating questions in the question builder. You can manually add the questions like this.

Or you can import all your questions via an excel file through the import option.

Once you have added all the questions, you click on the Groups

Now, select the group questions that you want.

Now click on the Add button to add your questions.

Here you can select the questions individually

Or you can click on the select all option to select all the questions. After selecting your questions, click on the Add questions button.

As you can see, all your questions will be grouped to this main question.

Similarly, you can go ahead and create online tests with multiple question groups.

All your grouped questions will also be tagged to the main group

After you have added your group question, you can go ahead and publish the test. With this, your students should be able to view the group question

In case, you want to schedule your quiz for a later date or you want to schedule the quiz between 9 am-11 am on 26th Feb 2021, you can go ahead and do that as well.

Apart from creating a group question, you can even shuffle the answer option.

So, for student 1 the correct answer will be placed in option c, whereas for student 2 the correct answer will be placed in option a.

To do that, go back to the Settings and click on the Quiz Features

Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on Answer shuffle. Enabling this option will allow you to shuffle your answer options. Once done, click on the save option.

How Students Can View The Comprehension Test

Let us see how students can view the group questions. Let us log in as a student and click on the mock-test and click on the take test.

The student will now be able to see the grouped test with multiple options.

Every time the student clicks next, the questions won’t change but the options will keep changing.

This sums up how to create an online test for comprehension support article. To conclude, you can now group questions under the main question.

This will be useful for conducting English comprehension exams, or Data interpretation exams. You can add text, images, or graphs to your questions.

You can also shuffle answer options in the group questions.

I hope you use group questions to create more online tests for your students.

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