Telegram product settings overview.

You can customize your telegram's settings and preferences.

  • To customise the telegram settings, go to Contents > Telegrams > Choose the desired telegram.

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  • You'll land on this page. The list of product settings options is displayed here.

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  1. Branding: You can add details about your telegram and manage brand settings.
  2. SEO: Add SEO details to help bring your telegram to the top of the search results.
  3. Tags: Add a tag to make the telegram easy to filter for learners.
  4. Link telegram group: you can link your telegram group with the telegram product. 
  5. Permissions: Manage pricing and permission settings for your telegram.
  6. Fast Checkout: Allow learners to buy your telegram with a quick & easy checkout process.
  7. Publish Telegram: Publish/Unpublish the telegrams for your learners.
  8. Delete Telegram: Delete your telegram if you no longer require it.
  9. Remove Learners: Remove the learner's access from the telegram & remove their data.
  10. Associated Contents: View all contents your product is associated with. Be it a bundle, segment, category, or subscription plan.