Pabbly Integrations

By using the third-party integration tool Pabbly on Learnyst, users can streamline various processes through automation

In this Article:

  1. What is Pabbly?
  2. Pabbly Workflow
  3. Pabbly on Learnyst

What is Pabbly?

Pabbly is a cloud-based integration platform that allows you to connect different web apps, automate repetitive tasks and create custom integrations between different applications.

Pabbly Workflow:


A workflow in Pabbly is a series of automated actions:

  • Set up a Trigger application to activate on a specific event.

  • Example triggers: course completion on Learnyst, Payment captured on razorpay.
  • Following the trigger event, there will be one or more actions that we can automate.
  • Example actions: send emails on course completion, enroll learners into courses on payment. 

With Pabbly on Learnyst, you can: